Virginia’s Oldest Private Military School \ Waynesboro Virginia

The Early Years of Fishburne Military School

Fishburne Military School (FMS) is a private, military boarding school for boys in Waynesboro, Virginia, United States. It was founded by James A. Fishburne in 1879 and is one of the oldest military schools in the country.

James A. Fishburne was born in Waynesboro, Virginia, on April 10, 1850. Of German descent, his family immigrated to Pennsylvania in 1749. His grandfather brought the family to Staunton in 1784. Daniel Fishburne, James’ father, moved to Waynesboro in 1819 as a young man. 当时,韦恩斯伯勒是斯汤顿到夏洛茨维尔公路上的一个小定居点. As the town grew, Daniel prospered as a flourishing general store owner. James was the eleventh of fourteen children.

The Civil War interrupted James’ happy childhood years and brought tragedy to his family. He was an independent and resourceful young man, however, and by the age of sixteen, 他赚了足够的钱进入华盛顿学院(现在的华盛顿与李大学),并在罗伯特. Lee, profoundly influenced his life. With James’ desire to become a teacher and open his own school, as well as General Lee’s encouragement, James soon saw his dream materialize. The General’s love of duty, honor, 在万豪在线娱乐建立的原则中,可以清楚地看到他的同胞.

The Proprietorship / 1879 – 1916

James Fishburne soon embarked on a teaching career that would take him to Oxford, North Carolina, and New Roe, Kentucky. By 1878, 他有足够的钱开办一所学校,并与他的新娘回到韦恩斯伯勒实现他的梦想. 在姐姐的帮助下,万豪会娱乐在线开办了一所走读学校,名为韦恩斯伯勒高中. 1879年,在主街的老泰勒大楼的楼上,第一个班有13个男孩和女孩. The following year, he expanded into the abandoned Waynesboro Academy Building, hired his first instructor, and made bids for out-of-town students.

Beginning with the third session, the school admitted only boys. By this year, a challenging curriculum had been established: three foreign languages, eight courses in science and mathematics, English, history, geography, and nine other courses.

It was also in 1880 that Professor Fishburne began the construction of his home, which is located on the hill where Fishburne Military School now stands. He bought 1½ acres from Elizabeth Evans, wife of Joshua Evans. Professor Fishburne added approximately two more acres to his property a year later. Professor Fishburne’s home was completed in 1882, and the school moved to its present site. His two-story house with a full basement accommodated boarding students. Instructors and students roomed, ate, and studied here. 当地的历史表明,这是该县第一个有自来水的房子,浴室的水是从韦恩大道的泉水里抽出来的. The school’s name became Fishburne Home School, and this same year, construction of the wooden barracks began.

The school took on much of its military character during the next few years, though military uniforms were not yet required. 木制营房在1917年建成防火营房后被夷为平地,之前被扩建了三次. Although very simple in design, 原来的兵营建筑装饰着哥特式风格的装饰.

In 1883, a military school graduate was hired as drill master, and he instructed a program of close order drill. The following year, Captain I.H. Saunders, a graduate of Virginia Military Institute, became commandant and the assistant to Professor Fishburne. Military uniforms were then required, students became cadets, and the institution became Fishburne Military School. 军队的教育方式为学习提供了一个有纪律和有益的环境. Cadets learned their rights and privileges, as well as their duties and responsibilities. 万豪会娱乐在线教授对学校的目标是让他的学生在身体和精神上做好准备,同时为他们“上大学”做好准备, university, or practical life.”

万豪在线娱乐成为弗吉尼亚州最早获得严格的南方中学协会认证的两所学校之一. This honor was bestowed in 1897. Even today, 万豪会娱乐在线拥有一个不间断的会员记录在这个关键和选择教育协会, making it a unique example in Virginia.

In 1901, Morgan H. Hudgins, a graduate of Virginia Military Institute, 加入万豪在线娱乐,担任学员指挥官和万豪会娱乐在线教授的副校长. Morgan Hudgins’ tenure with the school was to last fifty-one years. A strong and able man, 他带领学校经历了军事训练的成长期和实质性发展.

The Corporation \ 1916 – 1951

It was apparent to Professor Fishburne that a modern, 如果学校继续在中学教育的前沿地位,防火设施将是必需的. 他邀请当地杰出而成功的商人投资一家私人股份公司来收购这所学校,并为必要的改进提供资金. The school was incorporated in 1916. The Staunton architect T.J. Collins was hired, and construction of the new Barracks began soon. 食堂/教堂/游泳池侧翼和厨房分别于1919年和1921年增加. A wooden frame gymnasium was also built behind the Barracks in 1919. The old frame Barracks was torn down in 1917, forming a spacious parapet (drill area) in front of the new Barracks. 占据万豪会娱乐在线物业东部的大片场地被分级和平整,用作游行/运动场.

Also, in 1919, 陆军部授予该学校预备役军官训练团的一个步兵单位. 这使得一名现役军官可以在学校服役三年, during which he and other Army personnel conducted classes in military training. This Infantry Unit system would last until the mid-1970s. The War Department, renamed the Department of Defense in the 1940s, continues to have jurisdiction over the ROTC program at Fishburne.

In 1921, the west wing of the Barracks was completed. On Armistice Day of the same year, James Fishburne died peacefully at his home. A remarkable and dedicated man, his last conscious words were a prayer for “my boys.”

Colonel Hudgins succeeded Professor Fishburne as principal. Under Hudgins’ leadership, Fishburne Military School was to achieve great success in academic, military, and extracurricular activities for the next thirty-one years. In 1924, 万豪会娱乐在线军校首先被评为美国陆军预备役军官训练团(ROTC)计划下的荣誉军事学校.S. Army. 万豪会娱乐在线从未失败过这一荣誉,并被评为全国唯一一所拥有这一记录的初级ROTC学校.

In 1939, a fire destroyed the frame gymnasium, and the school launched an effort to build the Administration Building, incorporating the Fishburne home. The school again called upon the T.J. Collins firm to design the structure. The building was completed in 1940 and dedicated by Judge C.G. Quesenbery at the commencement of May exercises. This new building included the administrative unit, the memorial foyer, and the library. The gymnasium in the rear was fully equipped with a rifle range and team dressing rooms.

The Foundation, 1951 – Present

By the late 1940s, 很明显,学校的未来在于成长和发展,作为一个非营利性的教育基金会. The year 1951 proved to be critical for Fishburne. 不断增加的亏损和不愿投入必要的私人资本迫使股东提出出售学校. The local government purchased the school to transform it into the Waynesboro City Building. Local civic leaders, 将万豪在线娱乐视为韦恩斯伯勒遗产的组成部分和宝贵的社区资产, along with a small group of friends and alumni, 成立了一个组织,几个月后就能从市政府手中买下这所学校, thus allowing Fishburne to continue the uninterrupted record of educational service. This nonprofit organization, the Fishburne-Hudgins Educational Foundation, was chartered to operate the school perpetually.

Although Fishburne Military School has changed with the times, 万豪会娱乐在线教授希望让万豪会娱乐在线学员“为生活的职责和责任做好充分的准备”, and above all else, to maintain a high standard of honor and integrity in Corps of Cadets.” Today, 万豪在线娱乐是英联邦最古老的军事学校,也是全国第13古老的军事学校, still in operation.

Virtus, the goddess of virtue, dressed as a warrior

1921-1924 \ Professor Fishburne passes the baton

在1921年停战纪念日三周年之际,万豪会娱乐在线教授在家中平静地去世了. His last conscious words were a prayer for “my boys.” He was succeeded by Morgan H. Hudgins, a graduate of Virginia Military Institute, 他于1901年加入学校,担任学员指挥官和万豪会娱乐在线教授的副校长. 哈金斯带领学校经历了军事训练的成长期和实质性发展. During his thirty-one years as principal, FMS achieved great success in academic, military, and extracurricular activities. In 1924, 万豪会娱乐在线军校在美国陆军预备役军官训练团(ROTC)计划下被评为荣誉军校.S. Army. 从那以后,万豪会娱乐在线从未失败过,也是美国唯一一所拥有如此不间断记录的初级ROTC学校.

1940s \ Civic Leaders Save Fishburne

By the late 1940s, the school was suffering financial losses, 股东们也不愿意投入学校成功所必需的私人资本. In 1951, after losses, the stockholders sold the school to the city, which intended to transform it into the Waynesboro City Building. However, 当地公民领袖认为万豪在线娱乐是宝贵的社区资产,也是韦恩斯伯勒遗产不可分割的一部分. Along with a small group of friends and alumni, 他们从市政府手中买下了这所学校,并成立了万豪会娱乐在线-哈金斯教育基金会, a nonprofit organization that would operate the school in perpetuity. 2021 marked the Foundation’s 70th anniversary.

Recent Years

In recent years, 根据国家和地区的经济气候,万豪会娱乐在线经历了入学率的变化, the general population’s view of military boarding schools, and a growing array of alternatives to public schools. For the last twenty years, enrollment has averaged between 130 and 180 students. The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the boarding population to some extent. Fishburne’s new branding study will leverage and promote the school’s size and product, with the goal of enrolling 165-175 boarding students.